Bleiben Sie sicher während Covid 19.
Our taxi company complies fully to the safety measures regarding the Covid 19 pandemic. For that reason, all necessary actions are made, in order to protect public health. Here is what we do:
- Our taxis are sterilized, and there is a minimum gap of 15 minutes between transfers, so that the taxis are cleaned properly.
- All taxis are equipped with hand wipes and sanitisers.
- Our drivers are trained to comply with Covid-19 safety measures. They will be wearing a face mask and will keep social distancing, as required by the law.
We have also gathered some useful information for you here. You can find many things you need to know about the latest information on Covid 19 restrictions and regulations. Please check below to get informed.
Karte mit Reisevorschriften und Protokoll für Ankünfte in und Abflüge aus Griechenland während Covid 19
All infromation provided by the Greek Goverment, so that you are informed about covid-19 travel regulations.
Check here
EU wieder öffnen
#Stay safe. Here you can get an overview of the health situation in European countries, based on data from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
Check here
Flugreisen und COVID-19
If you are planning to fly, here you can find all necessary information for passengers, provided by IATA Travel Center (International Air Transport Association). Its mission is to represent, lead and serve the airline industry.
Check here